package com.compuware.devops.util
class TttHelper implements Serializable {
def script
def steps
def pConfig
JclSkeleton jclSkeleton
def listOfScenarios
def listOfSources
def listOfPrograms
TttHelper(script, steps, pConfig)
this.script = script
this.steps = steps
this.pConfig = pConfig
jclSkeleton = new JclSkeleton(steps, script.workspace, pConfig.ispwApplication, pConfig.applicationPathNum)
/* A Groovy idiosyncrasy prevents constructors to use methods, therefore class might require an additional "initialize" method to initialize the class */
def initialize()
// findFiles method requires the "Pipeline Utilities Plugin"
// Get all testscenario files in the current workspace into an array
this.listOfScenarios = steps.findFiles(glob: '**/*.testscenario')
steps.echo "Found Scenarios " + listOfScenarios.toString()
// Get all Cobol Sources in the MF_Source folder into an array
this.listOfSources = steps.findFiles(glob: "**/${pConfig.ispwApplication}/${pConfig.mfSourceFolder}/*.cbl")
steps.echo "Found Sources " + listOfSources.toString()
// Define a empty array for the list of programs
this.listOfPrograms = []
// Determine program names for each source member
// The split method uses regex to search for patterns, therefore
// Backslashes, Dots and Underscores which mean certain patterns in regex need to be escaped
// The backslash in Windows paths is duplicated in Java, therefore it need to be escaped twice
// Trim ./cbl from the Source members to populate the array of program names
def loopThruScenarios()
// Loop through all downloaded Topaz for Total Test scenarios
// Get root node of the path, i.e. the name of the Total Test project
def scenarioPath = it.path // Fully qualified name of the Total Test Scenario file
def projectName = it.path.trim().split("\\\\")[0] + "\\"+ it.path.trim().split("\\\\")[1] // Total Test Project name is the root folder of the full path to the testscenario
def jclFolder = script.workspace + "\\" + projectName + '\\Unit Test\\JCL' // Path containing Runner.jcl
def scenarioFullName = // Get the full name of the testscenario file i.e. "name.testscenario"
def scenarioName ="\\.")[0] // Get the name of the scenario file without ".testscenario"
def scenarioTarget = scenarioName.split("\\_")[0] // Target Program will be the first part of the scenario name (convention)
// For each of the scenarios walk through the list of source files and determine if the target matches one of the programs
// In that case, execute the unit test. Determine if the program name matches the target of the Total Test scenario
// Log which
steps.echo "*************************\n" +
"Scenario " + scenarioFullName + '\n' +
"Path " + scenarioPath + '\n' +
"Project " + projectName + '\n' +
def jclJobCardPath = jclFolder + '\\JobCard.jcl'
steps.writeFile(file: jclJobCardPath, text: jclSkeleton.jobCardJcl)
$class: 'TotalTestBuilder',
ccClearStats: false, // Clear out any existing Code Coverage stats for the given ccSystem and ccTestId
ccRepo: "${pConfig.ccRepository}",
ccSystem: "${pConfig.ispwApplication}",
ccTestId: "${script.BUILD_NUMBER}", // Jenkins environment variable, resolves to build number, i.e. #177
credentialsId: "${pConfig.hciTokenId}",
deleteTemp: true, // (true|false) Automatically delete any temp files created during the execution
hlq: '', // Optional - high level qualifier used when allocation datasets
connectionId: "${pConfig.hciConnId}",
jcl: "${pConfig.tttJcl}", // Name of the JCL file in the Total Test Project to execute
projectFolder: "${projectName}", // Name of the Folder in the file system that contains the Total Test Project.
testSuite: "${scenarioFullName}", // Name of the Total Test Scenario to execute
useStubs: true // (true|false) - Execute with or without stubs
def passResultsToJunit()
// Process the Total Test Junit result files into Jenkins
steps.junit allowEmptyResults: true,
keepLongStdio: true,
testResults: "TTTUnit/*.xml"
def collectCodeCoverageResults()
// Code Coverage needs to match the code coverage metrics back to the source code in order for them to be loaded in SonarQube
// The source variable is the location of the source that was downloaded from ISPW
def sources="${pConfig.ispwApplication}\\${pConfig.mfSourceFolder}"
// The Code Coverage Plugin passes it's primary configuration in the string or a file
def ccproperties = 'cc.sources=' + sources + '\rcc.repos=' + pConfig.ccRepository + '\rcc.system=' + pConfig.ispwApplication + '\rcc.test=' + script.BUILD_NUMBER
$class: 'CodeCoverageBuilder',
analysisProperties: ccproperties, // Pass in the analysisProperties as a string
analysisPropertiesPath: '', // Pass in the analysisProperties as a file. Not used in this example
connectionId: "${pConfig.hciConnId}",
credentialsId: "${pConfig.hciTokenId}"