Configuration Files

The Mainframe_CI_Pipeline_from_Shared_Lib uses two external files, storing configuration on the environment it is running in. There are two files stored externally (in a GitHub repository, in folder (root)/config/pipeline). The first two files will get downloaded from the GitHub repo and read during initialization of the PipelineConfig class. For a detailed description of the parameters refer to the pipeline parameters.

The values are stored as parameter=value pairs in records. Each record contains one pair. The parameter names must remain as they are. The values are processed a entered (trailing blanks will be ignored).

One file containing email addresses that is controlled via the Config File Provider plugin.


The pipeline.config file contains configuration settings about the 'environment' the Jenkins pipeline is executing in/for, i.e. URLs of servers like SonarQube or XL Release and others.


The example scenarios use GitHub to store Topaz for Total Test unit test projects. The tttgit.config file stores information on which branch of the repository to use.