JCL Skeletons
JCL skeletons in ISPF allow building mainframe jobs based on user input without the user having to code the complete JCL. They provide templates containing variables. At 'runtime' these variables get substituted by the input provided by the user. This principle is mimicked here.
The skeleton JCL in our examples uses strings in brackets '<>' to identify placeholders which get substituted at runtime. Currently, these are fixed names and only these 'variables' can be used to substitute placeholders by concrete values.
In total there are three pieces of JCL that get generated during runtime.
A job card JobCard.jcl
The file JobCard.jcl
contains a job card that will be used for jobs that get submitted on the mainframe from the pipeline. This way job that get executed by pipeline automation can be distinguished (and executed under different rights) than the normal "user related" job JCL that gets stored with the Topaz for Total test projects.
The current version of the JobCard.jcl
does not provide any pipeline specific variable substitution. Any valid JCL specific variable (e.g. &SYSUID
) may still be used.
Delete temporary Dataset deleteDs.skel
The purpose of this JCL is to submit a job that deletes a dataset. In the context of the pipelines this dataset is supposed to be temporary in use (and contains copybook members that need to be downloaded). The skeleton looks like this
The placeholder <clean_dsn>
will be replaced by a concrete dataset name during runtime.
IEBCOPY job iebcopy.skel
The purpose of this JCL is to copy all members that have been identified a copybooks from the ISPW libraries to a temporary PDS. (These will then be downloaded by the ISPW PDS downloader.) The skeleton looks like this
// DSN=<target_dsn>,
// SPACE=(TRK,(10,20,130)),
The placeholders are:
will be replaced by a list of//INx
DD statements pointing to the copy library concatenation list that is to be used to search the copybooks. The libraries will be concatenated according to the list defined by the next skeletoniebcopyInDd.skel
will be replaced by the temporary PDS to receive the copybook members. The name is taken from variable ``<source_input_dd_list>
will be replaced by a set ofINDD=INx
statements for IEBCOPY. The set corresponds with the set of//INx
DD statements defined by theiebcopyInDd.skel
will be replaced by a set ofSELECT
statements for IEBCOPY. The set is determined from the list of copybook members to be downloaded.
List in IN DD statements iebcopyInDd.skel
The purpose of this file is to provide a list of datasets to use a input datasets for the iebcopy.skel
JCL. The skeleton looks like this and corresponds with the libraries used to story copybooks in the ISPW environment used for these examples
//IN1 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SALESSUP.<ispw_application>.QA<ispw_path>.CPY
//IN2 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SALESSUP.<ispw_application>.STG.CPY
//IN3 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SALESSUP.<ispw_application>.PRD.CPY
The placeholders are:
will be replaced by the ISPW application being passed to the pipeline.<ispw_path>
will be replaced by the path through the life cycle to be used.